We are now in the direct station of Pluto which has been in retrograde since April. This happens every year, however this one feels particularly heavy. The energy feels sluggish, irritating, varying from one powerful emotion to another. If you haven’t felt like yourself in this week, you are not alone. This is not an ordinary station of Pluto, as Pluto moves forward at 20° of Capricorn, it is now on its way to meet with Saturn which is also in Capricorn. They will meet exactly on January 12, 2020, for the first time since 1983. They will bounce back and forth together in all of 2020, but will not exactly meet again. 

When Pluto moves in direct motion, it clears away all the darkness of its journey during the retrograde time in the underworld. We also get the opportunity to clear away any psychic debris that has been blocking us and is now ready to be released. This happens on a personal level as well as a collective level. We may see events shift in our own lives and also events may shift on a global scale. We may need to process big emotions as Pluto makes its way forward, so if you feel like you are watching some old program of your life, know that it is temporary as these old psychic patterns fall away. 

This paisley butterfly landed in my patio area & stayed for hours. Its wings were each the size of my palm. Transformation indeed.

This paisley butterfly landed in my patio area & stayed for hours. Its wings were each the size of my palm. Transformation indeed.

Saturn is structure, duty, discipline & working hard to achieve a goal at the end of the day. When it combines with Pluto, we are given no choice but to make great effort towards a major transformation of our lives. Pluto always clears out the old to make room for the new. This is not lighthearted energy, it often feels like a matter of survival as we are unwilling to keep reliving an outmoded life. The more clarity you have towards where the renaissance is occurring in your life, the more you will be able to apply focused effort towards meeting your goals. Pluto is the planet of empowerment, so remember to stay in your power, don’t give it away to any situation.

It has been an intense couple of weeks as Saturn stationed direct on September 18th, also getting ready for its meeting with Pluto. These events are related. Pluto is moving forward at the same point where Saturn moved retrograde back at the end of April. Pluto had passed this 20° Capricorn point in January. Now we are getting triggered from events that may have happened to us in January and in April. It is important to note that whatever greater story you have been living has layers that are being revealed one by one as these two planets make their movements. If you have been consciously working out something such as an old pattern in your life or a particularly complicated situation, then you can expect your work to have revealed a powerful turn forward during either or both of the Saturn or Pluto direct stations. Saturn and Pluto are also telling us that it is time to own our mastery in an area of our life. Even though it's happening in ambitious Capricorn, it doesn't need to be career related. 

On some level, for each of us, it’s the end of an era. Some aspect our lives will not be the same after this. This is a rare and important aspect that’s happening in each of our charts. What have you experienced and achieved this year so far? What are you taking into next year to work on? In what part of your life are you embracing a new story? Ultimately, it will bring us to a place where we can thrive on an entirely new level. And that’s very good news for the future. 

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