Photo by Clarence Taylor
This is a big week, with many details. There is lots of energy in the heavens and we need to work with it to our advantage. First Jupiter, planet of abundance, wisdom and expansion turned retrograde on Monday February 6 at 24 degrees of Libra. Jupiter has been sitting opposite the outer planet Uranus for many weeks now and because of Jupiter’s transit in these last few months, it has looped Pluto back into the story. We have an ongoing cardinal T-square with Pluto at the apex and the two other legs being the opposition between Jupiter and Uranus. Since Jupiter is stationary, it intensifies the relationship with the two outer planets. This means we want to examine what has happened in these last few months. Jupiter entered Libra in mid-September – what was going on for you then? Then, Jupiter opposed Uranus for the first time 3 months later in mid-December. Again, what there a Part 2 to your story from September? There may be decisions involved, as these are planets located in Cardinal signs, where action is taken and initiation of projects. The energy behind this configuration is life altering. Jupiter expands, gives opportunity, helps us see possibility. When involved with Pluto and Uranus in hard aspects, it pushes the door to transformation wide open. Now that Jupiter has retrograded, we revisit the path taken that we initiated in September. This is very exciting, as we have undoubtedly experienced something new in our lives or at least a new chapter. We are now able to look at what we have achieved in these last months and then ask ourselves what more do we need to accomplish between now and early June? How can we refine this journey? Think of it as a midpoint in a line – looking back, looking forward. As an added benefit, this month the Sun is in Aquarius making a lovely supportive trine aspect to Jupiter. This is saying yes to your journey. Pluto has entered the latter half of Capricorn, we are now in uncharted territory, but also a paradigm shift. Each of us has a new view of our life and we must be aware of what these changes are asking of us.
Since Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto are going to be dancing in this T-square arrangement for most of the year, there will be the empty space in the sign of Cancer. Since Cancer is ruled by the Moon, we will each need to pay attention to and address the desires of our natal Moon. What gives us security, what is familiar and feels nurturing. Additionally, every month, the transiting Moon will pass through that empty space and we will all have a few days where we may feel more emotional or in need of some comfort. And of course, if you have planets in mid-Cancer, you will feel this on regular basis. If you were born around July 10-15, you will have your natal Sun right as a focal point of the planetary energy.
There is a Lunar Eclipse on February 10th/11th, depending on where you are located. This eclipse happens with the Sun in Aquarius and the Moon in Leo at 22° 28 minutes. The eclipse makes great aspects to the Saturn in Sagittarius and Uranus in Aries placements, forming a Grand Trine with the Moon in Leo. The Aquarius Sun forms a smooth sextile to Saturn and Uranus. So, I would say that this a a very good eclipse, a perfect time to get much accomplished and make important decisions. Eclipses usually bring intense emotional energy to the table, whatever has been hanging in the air, will come to fruition at the eclipse. Generally speaking, I find that people get busier during eclipses and information and activity is flying around very quickly. It’s always a good time to maintain balance and not allow yourself to fly along with the energy of the eclipse, as accidents can happen in a second. Too much too fast with eclipses, I always recommend taking a breath and stepping back just for a minute. With the Moon in Leo and so much fire energy in the heavens, this is a truly creative time. If you are working on projects, you should expect to do a lot of thinking outside the box and some innovative ideas will come forward, especially with the Sun and Mercury in Aquarius. This particular eclipse last happened back on 10th/11th February of 1998. What where you doing then? Also, think about last August 18th 2016, when the counterpart eclipse happened. What can you connect about last August and February of 1998? What do they have in common?
As eclipses come in pairs, there is another eclipse on February 26, this time a Solar Eclipse at 8° Pisces. Energy is high at eclipse time and with a Solar Eclipse, it is a New Moon, time to plant seeds. I advise that we do a ritual, one where we set intention for whatever we need or want, light a candle, do a meditation. The Pisces eclipse is the more powerful of the two as it sits close to the South Node of destiny. It is also a repeat of February of 1998, so again think back to that time and recall what it was that you were beginning. Something new in your life should have started at that time. The second eclipse comes with the added bonus of Mars conjunct Uranus in Aries, bringing an extra punch to the already extraordinary emotional atmosphere of the eclipse. With this strong fiery aspect joining the aforementioned T-square, we can expect tempers to flare and passions to ignite. Energy such as this can be used productively, but we must be very focused and involved in our intentions. Certainly this aspect will drive home the message of a new paradigm in life.
Mars and Venus will be traveling together through Aries in February, heating up the relationship arena. Venus will be slowing down for her eventual retrograde in March, but meanwhile, she’ll be bright in the night sky in the Northern Hemisphere until March 22. When you see this glorious light, think of the goddess and be sure to make a wish!