I told him I wouldn’t hurt him, I just wanted to take a picture and he stopped for me.
Hello astrodarlings!
Jupiter has stationed direct at 13° of Scorpio, meaning that its retrograde period is over and it is now stopped in the sky. When a planet has stopped, it has a lot of strength, we feel its presence more strongly in those days. Jupiter has been in apparent backwards motion since March 9th and has now reached the point where it was early December 2017. What were you doing then? Anything meaningful? Have memories of that time revisited you today?
Jupiter is the planet of abundance and expansion. Whatever it touches in our lives, wherever it lands in our chart, it asks us to open the door to possibility, opportunity and thinking on a grander scale. When Jupiter moves forward after a period of retrograde, we look at how far we have traveled in these months, what the journey has been about, where it is important to move forward. Scorpio is an internal, private water sign, so it’s likely that we have something internal and far reaching within us that comes forward to be looked at now. Sometimes when a planet goes direct, all the unconscious drives in our way that have been festering come forward to be discarded. This time is no exception, as Scorpio involves the very dark recesses of our minds and Jupiter has gone through there doing a big housekeeping. You may feel a great shift as this planet moves forward and for the next few days as the dust settles. Confidence is also a Jupiterian trait, as Jupiter asks us to have faith in ourselves and the courage to take a leap in the area of our chart it is visiting.
The partial Solar Eclipse happens only two days after Jupiter turns direct on Thursday, July 12th. They are essentially happening at the same time, so their energies are interwoven. The eclipse occurs at 20° of Cancer and is a since it is a Solar Eclipse, this means it is New Moon, hence the Sun and Moon are in the same place in the sky.
The eclipse occurs opposite Pluto at 20° of Capricorn, so this is no ordinary eclipse. New Moon/Solar Eclipses usually indicate a new beginning of some sort. But since this one is entangled with the planet of transformation, we begin something anew that is going to transform our lives. The opposition indicates that it will naturally involve others in what could be a deep emotional experience. It can also be a power struggle with another person as they are a projection of something unconscious we have going on within ourselves. Pluto often indicates working through our own darkness and shining a light on it so it no longer has power over us. Jupiter is in Scorpio, ruled by Pluto, again connecting the direct station of Jupiter with the eclipse. Jupiter’s presence in Pluto’s sign while the eclipse opposes Pluto connects the theme of transformation with Jupiter’s hope and expansion. And Jupiter’s normally optimistic energy gets tempered by Pluto’s depth and intensity. The Sun and Moon will still be in range of a Grand Water Trine with Jupiter and Neptune. This will help the transformation occurring and give us support where it’s needed.
If you know anything about crabs (the crustacean) if you get near them, they will scoot away and hide. The astrological crab is not so different. So, instead of hiding, we want to embrace our strength. I believe the theme of this week is faith, as shown by Jupiter’s moving forward, its connection to the other planet of faith – Neptune – and their smooth relationship to the eclipse. Yes, we will want to use Pluto’s transformative energy to the best of our ability, using Pluto’s power for good in our lives. The idea here is to understand where we need to transform that sense of powerless-ness that Pluto can sometimes bring. There may be moments where we feel our security (Cancer) is at stake, but we need to transcend that fear, tap into our personal power and overcome the trappings of the subconscious mind. Get past our own darkness and embrace our light!