We’re at an important juncture in this year of 2020 - as if this year hasn’t had enough intense astrology already. The month of November brings us to turning points and finishes up some of the astrology aspects we’ve been experiencing this year, but also gives us some new energies.
On November 12th, the final of 3 Jupiter/Pluto conjunctions happens as we reconnect with the mission we’ve had since April 4th. At that point in this year, we were early in the pandemic and each of us was trying to navigate through the new territory. It required us to shine the flashlight (Jupiter) in the closet (Pluto) and find our hidden talents and treasures. Once we started to get acquainted with our abilities and ideas, we came to the 2nd meeting of these two planets on June 30th. What were you doing during these times? How did your journey evolve through those months? Where are you now in this journey and are you satisfied with your progress?
Then the next day, November 13th, Mars finally moves direct from being retrograde in its own sign of Aries since September 9th. This has been one major retrograde, since Mars clashed with the Jupiter Saturn Pluto arrangement in Capricorn in August and then reversed course and clashed with them a second time in late September and October. Mars being the planet of assertion, aggression, courage, confidence and the energy to make things happen. If you haven’t felt entirely energetic in these last two months, you’re not alone. It’s been complicated, as Mars wants to initiate, especially when in Aries and it ran up against a bunch of irritation and resistance back in August which continued for months. It was easy to run out of steam, feel defeated, exhausted or wanting to give up. It has been a lesson as to where in life we felt disempowered and how we needed to reach inside - retrogrades encourage us to do this - to find our sense of empowerment. On Friday and the days following, you most likely will feel a type of relief and a desire to move forward with ideas, plans and anywhere you have felt halted. Mars will again challenge Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter. But it won’t be the same level of challenge as before because by the time Mars reaches these planets, they will have moved away from each other. In the case of Jupiter and Saturn, they will have advanced into the sign of Aquarius and Mars will not reach them until early 2021. You should see projects start to bear fruit and your feelings of empowerment renewed through the end of this year.
Meanwhile, as Venus moves through her own sign of Libra this month, she will take up the challenge of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto. This will be during the third week of November and we will ask ourselves important questions about the relationships in our lives. This will be about any relationships - close personal ones, business colleagues, friends - some recognition of how we are in relationships may be revealed to us during this time, where we may need to revise some things. We may feel we want to reconnect with certain friends or perhaps separate with others. After this year we have been in, this is a time to reflect on who we value in our lives. It may also be a time where we let people know how important they are to us.
The month ends on two powerful notes. On November 28th, Neptune, planet of spirituality, inspiration and illusion turns direct from retrograde which it has been since June 23rd. This can enhance the feelings of compassion and forgiveness, especially after Venus has moved through the above mentioned challenges. Then on November 30th, there is a Lunar Eclipse! With the Moon in Gemini and the Sun in Sagittarius. Yes, it’s already eclipse season, with the New Moon on November 15th swinging the door open to the energy that awaits us. It feels like we just had eclipses, doesn’t it? That’s because there were three eclipses back in June and July and therefore an extended eclipse period. We can expect the energy around eclipses to get revved up as it always does and the eclipse period continues in December with a Solar Eclipse on the 14th. But one month at a time in this unstoppable year. With Mars going direct this month and then an eclipse, it may feel like all the pent up energy of the last few months shifts wildly forward and moves along at top speed.
So, hang on to your hats this month as we watch the momentum increase. Emotions are always high at eclipse season and my advice is to not allow the tides to sweep you into eclipse drama, which can easily happen. People are more likely to get triggered during eclipses, therefore just take each day moment by moment. Also, take good care of yourself and don’t overdo it. Stay aware of your energy levels and you should be just fine.