A traditional Costa Rican hand painted Ox cart. Photo by Deb.

A traditional Costa Rican hand painted Ox cart. Photo by Deb.

Aaaand the transformational energy continues! Even though 2020 is over, what happened last year is going to be with us emotionally for a long time. This year feels like more of the same, but it's actually not more of the same, many things in people and in the world are very different. Therefore we need to make adjustments within ourselves. Last year was an enormous revolution in everyone’s lives. In this year 2021 we must assimilate how our lives have changed. It’s not simple. Each of us underwent an unexpected emotional, psychological whirlwind that left us stupefied as a world. 

Remember what I repeated over and over again last year - when was the last time in history that we were all - the masses of the globe - told to “go in and stay in” - not in any recent memory, correct? This was a metaphor for “go within” - meaning go inside yourself and figure out your next steps, what your hidden treasure is, how you are using it in the world, what your journey is all about. This is not an overnight procedure. And though we all were shifted into a new life last year, we are only just digesting this now. 

But the universe is having fun with us, because it’s not just any old transition we’re in. Life seems to be accelerating at an uncomfortable velocity. We’re learning at lightning speed, our neurons processing faster and faster, every day waking up a new person. This chapter began with Jupiter & Saturn in Aquarius on December 21st. we are still in this vibe and will be for quite a while, it ushered in a new story for each of us, though we may not know exactly what that is just yet. Currently as I write this, there are 6 planets in Aquarius - the aforementioned Jupiter and Saturn, the Sun, Moon, Venus and retrograde Mercury. There is also the asteroid Pallas Athene (Athena, the goddess of war) in Aquarius. This is profoundly intense energy in only one sign, one area of the zodiac. And since the Sun and the Moon are together, it is the time for a New Moon which will occur on February 11th at 23° Aquarius. The first New Moon after the Sun enters Aquarius every year is the Chinese Lunar New Year, this year is the Metal Ox. This would indicate our seeing a rise in industries and matters concerning metal - coins, precious metals and well, needles.

Six planets including a New Moon in the sign of the water-bearer indicates a super charged emotional state. Aquarius is not a typically emotional sign, since it is an air sign - usually more thought and analytically oriented. However, we can experience it as overcharging our brains, as if they are in another stratosphere. This may keep us energetically over the top and keep us awake when we want to sleep. It can also irritate us as we have too many distractions and life is happening at a crazy speed. Aquarius is a sign that rules groups, communities and the collective unconscious. Though Aquarius is ruled by the planet Uranus and that means all bets are off. If you think you know what’s going to happen, forget it, Uranus has another plan. More fun from the universe, just enjoy the ride. 

We have to remember that Aquarius is the revolutionary and underlying all of that is the desire to be distinctive, to have a different life or outcome than the expected one. Anyone you know who is an Aquarius is probably complicated or at least unusual. Now that we have left the Capricorn Covid Cluster of last year with Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto all in Saturn’s sign of Capricorn, we seek radically different experiences. Jupiter and Saturn have moved on to Aquarius. Where Capricorn is conservative, Aquarius is subversive. We want uniqueness, a true expression of ourselves and we can’t see going back to the old life. Besides, it’s not available to us anymore.

One of the loveliest experiences of this cluster in Aquarius for the New Moon is that the two benefics - Venus and Jupiter - will be joined together. This is an annual event and it couldn’t be coming at a better time as it is more powerful when happening at the New Moon. It drives the message home that we are to be optimistic about this shift in energy, that we can have a different life and we should aim to achieve that in this New Year.    

So, celebrate the new, the optimistic, the innovative and the rare as we swing into the Lunar New Year with the refreshing energy of Aquarius! Kung Hey Fat Choy!

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