Happy February! Now that we’ve finally moved past retrogrades, we embrace the Full Moon this weekend in Leo. This closes the Lunar New Year celebration that began on the Aquarius New Moon two weeks ago at the same time when Uranus finally went direct. Uranus is the planet that rules Aquarius and its corresponding New Moon, making it a super charged entry into the Lunar New Year.
Now we have its counterpart, the Full Moon where the Sun is in Aquarius and the Moon is in the opposite sign of Leo. This is not an ordinary Full Moon, as once again, Uranus is involved. This time the planet of unexpected events is in a challenging square to both the Sun and the Moon. Uranus rules all things electrical, lightning and technology. It can bring chaos and surprises, but more importantly breakthroughs, epiphanies and realizations that can create a big wave of progress during this Full Moon cycle.
Simultaneously we will be having a challenge between the relationship planets Venus and Mars. Mars is still residing in Gemini where he’s been since August 20th. He is very slow to move since his direct motion on January 12th. Venus is in her exaltation sign of Pisces, challenging the red planet in a square aspect. It’s an interesting, intense dynamic as all relationship planets, Sun and Moon and Venus and Mars will be in hard aspect. This is asking for us to work through the relationship energetics to avoid conflicts and establish boundaries. We will be feeling this for a number of days.
These are ultimately optimistic, awakening planetary relationships that create situations where we can tap into infinite possibilities. The more we open and step into flow, the more we have to gain.
In the meantime, we are gearing up for some major planetary changes in March. Saturn will enter the sign of Pisces for the first time since it left that sign in April of 1996. Pluto will enter the sign of Aquarius for a brief while until June, then return next January. But it is a taste of things to come, as this is a powerful planetary shift that will affect us for 20 years. Pluto last left Aquarius December 25th, 1798.
Since both planets will be shifting gears in the same month, I’ve decided to teach a Saturn in Pisces - Pluto in Aquarius Masterclass:
Tuesday February 21st, 2023 6:00 PM EST $77
This event will be presented and recorded on Zoom. No worries if you can’t make the live event, you can always purchase the webinar and see the recording.
In this class you will learn:
The meanings of Saturn entering Pisces and Pluto entering Aquarius
What to expect from these transits
The collective cycle experience of Pluto in Aquarius
How to work with the energy of these planetary placements
Which area of your life will receive these planets by house
The relationships Saturn and Pluto will have with other outer planets.
It’s helpful to have a copy of your astrological chart on hand. If you don’t have one, you will need your birth date, birth city and especially your birth time. You can go online and get a copy or you can contact me to draw one up for you.
Join me! This is going to be a phenomenal evolutionary process and we need all the information and preparation we can get!
Register here:
I look forward to seeing you there!