TWO stems of orchids from one plant! Highly Unusual. Photo by Deb
Happy Solar Eclipse!
We made here, finally! We are at the Solar Eclipse at 10° Libra. This is the counterpart to the Lunar Eclipse of September 17th, although they are very different energies. I felt the Lunar Eclipse of September 17th was more full of grace and peace. But this one today is a more powerful experience.
Why would that be? Firstly, this eclipse is close to the South Node of the Moon. This always indicates the intensity of the eclipse, depending on the distance to one of the Nodes. Since this is the South Node, it asks us to release all that is unnecessary, sending it off with love. There are certain events that will come up showing us the way out of the past, especially past versions of ourselves and how we are in relations with others. Solar Eclipses are New Moons, we are being ushered into a new space in our lives. Look to where the North Node in Aries is in your chart, it will be opposite the point of the eclipse. Where are you being shown a new path? What are you feeling the call to embrace? And how can you be more of your truly authentic self - no more people pleasing, be who you really are, unapologetically!
Then, this is the final eclipse of this year. It seems strange to say that, because we have three more months left to 2024. But eclipse cycles are always shifting and the final one asks us to review the themes of the year so far. This also helps us close the door on the eclipses of a year ago in 2023 and the ones back in March and April of this year. Those stories are already in place and we are moving on to the next chapter.
In January 2025, the Nodes will change signs and we will enter the cycle of Virgo and Pisces, out of Libra and Aries. This is a big moment as we have been living with this nodal axis for nearly a year and a half. That will finally change in the beginning of next year. We won’t see Libra and Aries again for another 9 years, when they will be reversed of where they are now. The themes will shift from relationships with self and others to themes more about healing and beliefs.
Perhaps most importantly, this is the final eclipse of the transit of Pluto through Capricorn. After 16 years and many eclipses, Pluto will be finally saying goodbye and entering the sign of Aquarius for once and for all! This will occur on November 19th, 2024. Since the end of March 2023, we have been experiencing a shift back-and-forth of Pluto between Aquarius and Capricorn. This is yet another release, another sign of letting go of an old cycle. So much more dramatic because we won’t see Pluto in Capricorn again in our lifetime. I will be discussing this in future blogs in these next weeks, but meanwhile it is a great time to wrap up a very old story and not allow the past to haunt you. An eclipse at such a profound astrological moment can be a bit rattling to our emotions. I do feel this has been more of an emotional eclipse, with uncomfortable energies rearing their heads in these last days. Eclipses are always wild cards and the experience of this one while Pluto is getting ready to change signs has brought some of the darker character traits of people to the fore. If you’ve been experiencing this within your world, then please know that there is much discomfort with big changes such as these. You are not alone, many of us are feeling this as well. It may feel like the end of the world, but I can assure you it is not. Embrace the energy of changes and transformation and just take it one step at a time.
In these next days, watch for new growth that wants to appear in your lives. Look for the places where you can shine as your most authentic self. And allow the transitions to occur as you stay close to yourself and your feelings. Most of all, trust your intuition now.
Big days ahead! Please stay connected to me here, on social media and on my podcast. And of course, if you need support during these times, I am always available for consultations, just visit my website,
https://www.thegoldenastrologer.com/book-online for astrology, emotional clearing and Rainbow Crystal 5D Reiki
And remember… I am now available for Expansion Mentoring! This is a longer experience as we do life together, either 3 months, 6 months or 12 months, it’s a journey of becoming. Of evolving into the best version, the most authentic expression of yourself. You will expand your energetic capacity, your ability to make an impact and to receive. You will transform, gain awareness, raise consciousness and uplevel and recalibrate to a new life. Embrace infinite possibilities and create a more fulfilling, joyful life.
In the last 3.5 years, I have experienced the empowerment of having a mentor and it has helped me tremendously. I have grown energetically, I have expanded my ability to receive, my ability to embrace a new calling to serve in this way. I love working with people and seeing them grow exponentially over time. In this program I am presenting, I can work with people 1:1 for extended amounts of time, rather than just experience them in one session. Depending on what you need, I may pull from anything in my vast toolbox of various modalities.
If this is you, join my world and work with me! Contact me to join: deb@debmcbride.com
If you haven’t heard my podcast, please tune in! The Golden Astrologer Podcast available on my website https://www.thegoldenastrologer.com/podcast and everywhere podcasts are distributed.