Today we have a powerful transit happening that only occurs once every two years. It is the transit of Mars conjunct Pluto. For the first time in our lifetime it is happening in the sign of Aquarius. When these two planets join they are a powerhouse of shifting energies. It is not a comfortable dynamic, it often makes us hot under the collar and we generally want to lash out if we aren’t in control of our reactions. However the relationship between these two planets can be so much greater and bigger than our emotions will allow us to believe.

This is an aspect that will propel us forward if we allow it. It gives us the motivation and the moxie to conquer our fears that may be preventing us from achieving all we desire. It’s a great time to focus on pushing forward, to observe and connect with what internal obstacles may be stopping us. Recognizing what we are capable of making happen and then advancing on our path is optimal use of this energy. This is not a time to hide in the corner, but is the time to own our power and aspire to the next level of our lives. I could say this is a difficult and complicated energy that when used improperly will get us into all sorts of ridiculous arguments. Instead we have to take the situation that is making us angry and rise above the anger and the situation to something that will actually transform our lives. Where can you not fall into an old pattern of reaction and instead use the discomfort to motivate you to something greater?

Meanwhile, it is certainly Valentine’s Day and this aspect can inspire a deep sense of passion for another person in our lives or for work that is fulfilling and to which we are deeply connected and committed. If there is anything we are being shown right now, it is about not giving up on something that is deeply meaningful for us. We may be feeling weary because it feels like a long climb upward. There is usually a weariness within us that precedes the arrival of this aspect between Mars and Pluto. But these two planets together provide us with the stamina and the resilience to keep going. That is one of the best uses of this energy, because it fuels us and allows us the transformation we need to create something profound and possibly life-changing. Own your power during this time and own your passion. And absolutely do not think small or give in to a small life.

At the end of this week, the planet Venus will enter Aquarius as Mars has just done and then also meet with Pluto. Again the best use of this energy is about being deeply connected and passionate in some area of our life. It could be love of a person, our work, humanity or falling in love with Mother Nature. In Aquarius this can be highly altruistic love. This aspect also reminds us to connect with our power, the power of love and especially the power of loving ourselves. Venus and Pluto can also bring triangles in our lives, usually it’s a triangle in a relationship. This energy also encourages us to have awareness in our relationships and where we may be secretive or triangulating with others. Venus and Pluto can truly be deeply creative. What inspires you? What makes your heart happy? Where can you use these energies to create something new and profoundly satisfying?

We are just learning how it feels to have Pluto in Aquarius. Now we receive the experience of the inner planets connecting to this empowering and transformational outer planet in this new area of the zodiac.

Where is this trail blazing new paradigm happening for you in your life? Do you know your astrology and which sector this is affecting? You are always welcome to join me in an astrology session as we journey down this new path together. Also, you can receive my Masterclasses where I discuss this big shift. First there is “Saturn in Pisces, Pluto in Aquarius” and here is the link to purchase:

And then there is “Vision of the Future: 2024” and here is that link to purchase:

And remember… I am now available for Expansion Mentoring! This is a longer experience as we do life together, either 3 months, 6 months or 12 months, it’s a journey of becoming. Of evolving into the best version, the most authentic expression of yourself. You will expand your energetic capacity, your ability to make an impact and to receive. You will transform, gain awareness, raise consciousness and uplevel and recalibrate to a new life. Embrace infinite possibilities and create a more fulfilling, joyful life.

In the last 3 years, I have experienced the empowerment of having a mentor and it has helped me tremendously. I have grown energetically, I have expanded my ability to receive, my ability to embrace a new calling to serve in this way. I love working with people and seeing them grow exponentially over time. In this program I am presenting, I can work with people 1:1 for extended amounts of time, rather than just experience them in one session. Depending on what you need, I may pull from anything in my vast toolbox of various modalities.

Deb McBride