The Moon card from the Wild Unknown Alchemy Deck by Kim Krans
Greetings Astrodarlings!
It has been a while, so we have a lot of catching up to do! First let’s talk about this New Moon in Cancer. This event happens once per year as the Sun and the Moon join in Cancer, the sign which the Moon rules. This time it is Friday, July 5th and they meet at 14° Cancer, just about halfway through the sign, though the energy of a New Moon lasts for several days after. Cancer is a water sign and encourages emotional experiences, feeling your feelings and giving them your acknowledgment and domestic or family experiences. You may be having a lovely family gathering. Or perhaps you’ve started redecorating your home. This New Moon triggers the Solar Eclipse point of April 8th in Aries. You may recall that time and that it was a particularly strong eclipse. What was going on for you then? Maybe something new happened that shifted things in your life for good.
I am feeling that this New Moon brings a fresh, bright energy. This lunation is showing us where we have been and what we’ve accomplished since that eclipse. Any lingering discomforts from the April eclipse are being relieved now. Whatever may have been weighing on you is dissipating and you can now approach matters with a new perspective. Cancer is a Cardinal sign, one that likes to initiate. It’s a great time to start new projects whether it is something more intangible that water signs love, like meditation or in a more material way such as creating a new garden. In any case, get excited for new experiences!
In the last week we’ve had the station retrograde of two planets, Saturn and Neptune, both in the sign of Pisces. They are not exactly in the same place, but next year Saturn will catch up to Neptune and they will be traveling together, very closely in and out of Pisces and Aries. Neptune is in a particularly profound area of the zodiac, as it is at the very end of Pisces, completing a journey through the entire zodiac. It’s just a shade away from entering Aries, but won’t get there until 2025. Neptune is the planet that rules Pisces and this is a deep moment as it asks us to surrender, atone, find peace or let go. It’s a huge shift for the collective unconscious as we come to terms with where we have been in the last 12 years and enter a new era. Saturn in Pisces continues to ask us to believe and have faith even when we are skeptical. It’s important to know that we are being guided by greater forces. With Saturn in this placement, it is work to find this higher frequency, this zone of source. We get a glimpse and then lose sight of it. We feel it, yet it slips through our fingers. Then, in a moment, it is back again. We need to trust now more than ever.
With Jupiter now in Gemini, we can expect a desire to learn and grow through knowledge. Expansive Jupiter will challenge Saturn August 19-20 and if we’ve been working on faith and beliefs, this can open us to receive a deeper connection to spirit. We may find solutions and answers to long term issues. We may receive a greater level of guidance appearing in our lives. Gaining an awareness of our limitations and how to break through them is a great use of this energy. Also, we can recall that back in 2020, Jupiter and Saturn were in conjunction in Capricorn and more precisely in Aquarius, so this is the first challenge Jupiter will make to Saturn since that time. Any situations we were experiencing during 2020 (aside from the obvious) may come back in some way for a review or a next chapter. Jupiter and Saturn will make this connection two more times, but in 2025.
So much is happening! And with the underlying Pluto shift between Capricorn and Aquarius, we are all feeling these astrology aspects more intensely. It seems the volume has been turned up on the areas of our lives that are in transition. If you need support during these times, I am always available for consultations, just visit my website, for astrology, emotional clearing and Rainbow Crystal 5D Reiki
And remember… I am now available for Expansion Mentoring! This is a longer experience as we do life together, either 3 months, 6 months or 12 months, it’s a journey of becoming. Of evolving into the best version, the most authentic expression of yourself. You will expand your energetic capacity, your ability to make an impact and to receive. You will transform, gain awareness, raise consciousness and uplevel and recalibrate to a new life. Embrace infinite possibilities and create a more fulfilling, joyful life.
In the last 3.5 years, I have experienced the empowerment of having a mentor and it has helped me tremendously. I have grown energetically, I have expanded my ability to receive, my ability to embrace a new calling to serve in this way. I love working with people and seeing them grow exponentially over time. In this program I am presenting, I can work with people 1:1 for extended amounts of time, rather than just experience them in one session. Depending on what you need, I may pull from anything in my vast toolbox of various modalities.
If this is you, join my world and work with me! Contact me to join:
If you haven’t heard my podcast, please tune in! The Golden Astrologer Podcast available on my website and everywhere podcasts are distributed.