The card in the photo is from The Wild Unknown Archetypes Deck by Kim Krans.
Here we are, astrodarlings! The first big astrology events of this year are upon us and we will be meeting them head on starting this week. This Friday, January 10th we will experience a Lunar Eclipse that is the companion eclipse to the solar event we had on December 26th. In this eclipse, the Sun will be in Capricorn (duty, responsibility, integrity, business, hard work, authority figures) and the Moon will be in Cancer (home, security, family, ancestry, emotional connections to others).
But this is no ordinary eclipse, because the Sun in Capricorn is accompanied by Mercury, Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter and the South Node of Destiny. With the exception of Jupiter and the South Node - which are earlier in the sign of Capricorn - all will be together in the same place, which will be a conjunction of 4 planets - receiving an opposition from the Moon in Cancer. The energy must flow in the direction of the sign of the crab, as this is where the North Node is residing in this moment. This indicates that we should be opening towards personal connections, security, people we love.
In the meantime, Saturn and Pluto are lining up to meet in exactitude on Sunday, January 12th. We have been discussing this all year, whether you follow me here or on my podcast, it has been a regular topic of astrology. Remember, these two are uniting only once in Capricorn to help us embrace our mastery. Whatever area of your chart contains the last degrees of Capricorn is the area where you are going to feel this the most and find the richest experiences and rewards. But it comes from a result of working hard to overcome your limitations. Saturn is showing us where our limitations are, where we aim to take note of this and seek to transcend these limitations. This can come in the form of confronting all the reasons why you feel you aren’t able to do something. If Saturn whispers in your ear that you are not strong enough, smart enough, capable enough - then you need to transform this image of yourself and get to the deep truth of who you are. That’s Pluto’s job, to take us into the depths of being and reveal our own power. Once we own this, we can rise above our limitations to transform our lives.
You are most likely feeling these aspects in one way or another, usually emotionally and through events in your life.
Here is some of my advice for this intense time period:
Keep your mind clean. Meaning, make effort to not have negative thoughts or go backwards into old mental annoyances & grievances. It’s easy to fall back into previous patterns and feel the same repetitive irritations from the past.
Don’t initiate any confrontations. If you need to confront someone or have a deep conversation, try to put it off until after January 13th or even better after January 24th, when the New Moon kicks out the eclipse period. It’s a different matter if you are being confronted by another and must defend yourself. Then do what you must, but be mindful to handle the situation with empathy and don’t let it get out of hand.
Recognize what may be a recurrence. The Saturn Pluto conjunction hasn’t happened since 1983. If you recall events from back then and situations are feeling familiar to that time period, let them pass through the lens of your memory and watch them as you would watch an old film. It’s not 1983 again, you were a different person back then than you are now. Events will not repeat themselves.
Keep moving forward. This is THE YEAR to break old habits, transform your life and make a radical departure from your past conditioning. It’s important to keep moving in the direction of your goals and put one foot in front of the other until you get there. No matter how challenging, just keep moving.
Maintain your integrity. No shortcuts, no revenge, no emotional betrayals.
Have gratitude for the wisdom you are undoubtedly receiving at this time.
Clearly we are seeing this intensity in world events, which is to be expected. It would seem this sets the stage for more division with differences in opinions on how these matters should be handled. Please try your best to not become part of this division and work to let go of resentments that could well up during this time.
I always encourage emotional healing work, meditation and anything that could be deemed as consciousness raising. This is a great time to turn up the volume on any of these helpful protocols. These powerful aspects will be with us in some manner after this month ends and we have more powerful aspects to come in this year.
My Year Ahead 2020 video will be available all year and can be purchased here at my website: - just scroll down to where you see the description and option to buy.
Peace & blessings,