North Berwick, Scotland   Photo by Deb

North Berwick, Scotland Photo by Deb

Mercury has been retrograde in Pisces since February 16th and will continue until March 9th. It will move back into Aquarius on March 4th for about 12 days until March 16th, then will continue its journey in Pisces until April 11th when it enters Aries. This is a long time that Mercury will be spending in Pisces and this retrograde has not been an easy one. 

Pisces is the end of the zodiac, the last sign, the place that represents the subconscious mind, the area where we rejuvenate, sleep, dream, meditate. It’s also the area where we use our skills of visualization, connect with spirit, have mystical experiences, where we are taken away from earthly matters. These realms are mostly the unseen or hidden realms, areas of little to no boundaries, but they also have another quality - is what we are seeing the truth or not? Are we being deceived? This is where Pisces and its planetary ruler, Neptune, have the reputation for lies, trickery and charlatans. 

Mercury loves details, organization, information and communication. It rules Virgo, the opposite sign from Pisces. In astrology, this means Mercury is not entirely happy in Pisces - the watery realms don’t do much for Mercury’s need for tangible information. Mercury in Pisces is a great time to pray, meditate and just listen to messages from beyond your conscious every day mind. When Mercury is retrograde there, we might find ourselves in situations where boundaries are broken, we can’t entirely grasp a matter because of intangibles and we aren’t sure if we are being tricked or fooled. 

Pisces is about beliefs, what we believe, what we want to believe, what we do or don’t trust and where the fabrics of our beliefs have perforations in them. This Mercury retrograde in Pisces is showing us where the holes are, where we may not be confident about our beliefs. It’s where the doubts can creep in if we are not firm in our beliefs. It’s where other people’s opinions start eroding our sense of confidence in our beliefs. It is showing us where our conviction may falter. 

Our passion often fuels what we believe in. If our passion is greater than our doubt, greater than other’s opinions - then our conviction cannot be shaken. In this time of Mercury retro in Pisces, then visiting Pisces for another month after the retro is over, we  are answering the questions of how deep our convictions are and therefore, how much passion do we have about a matter. 

Passion belongs in the realm of Mars, which is in Capricorn now, a sign that Mars likes very much. It will remain there until March 30th. Capricorn is a sign of clear focus and ambition, qualities that relate to Mars. Mars here is efficient and disciplined in handling any task. In essence, Mars is the way through this cloudy Mercury retrograde that seems to keep dragging us through the murkiest waters of the Pisces realm. If we can stay clear and motivated, we can plow through this, maintain the integrity and conviction of our beliefs and become triumphant.  

Mars in Capricorn is practical, sensible and this is actually one place in the zodiac where Mars keeps its head and doesn’t explode. The best way to use this combination of Mercury and Mars energy is to first identify and understand where the lack of pointedness, conviction and/or clarity lies in a certain area of your life. Then find where your passion lies and use it to navigate your way out of the Piscean fog. Put off any important decisions until at the very least until Mercury stations direct on March 9th and if necessary, until Mercury is out of its shadow on March 30th. 

For several months, I’ve been going on about the pile of planets in Capricorn and there will be some important events in that sign later in March. Mars will reach Jupiter in conjunction on March 20th at 22° Capricorn, the exact location of where Saturn & Pluto met on January 12. This should bring up any of the emotions and experiences you were having at the time. Were there goals you were busy accomplishing during the Saturn Pluto event? What stories do you wish to continue from that time? Additionally, Mars greeting Jupiter is always a burst of energy, like a vitamin shot. If you have projects launching or have important meetings to schedule, this could be a highly auspicious time for these activities. Then several days later, on March 22, Mars will reach Pluto at 24° Capricorn. Mars and Pluto are good friends as both are considered rulers of Scorpio. If ever there is a time to realize your passions and take charge of your life and goals, this is it. Whatever it is, if you want it bad, now’s the time to go get it. This is enhanced by the Mars Jupiter meeting, almost like a triple conjunction. As long as we keep our egos in check, we can get a lot done during this time. Remember that Saturn & Pluto asked us to embrace our mastery - this is a continuation of that sense of empowerment. 

While Mars meeting Jupiter & Pluto can help us feel successful, we do need to be careful about how hard we push - and who we push. This is a time to be self-motivated and excited about our meeting our goals. It is not a time to use force on others. Please be aware of your strengths during this time, use this energy wisely and fruitfully. This is an enormous amount of energy, think of it like dynamite - when we use our power for the greatest good, everyone wins.

For more information on upcoming astrological events, my Year Ahead 2020 video will be available all year and can be purchased here at my website: - just scroll down to where you see the description and option to buy. 

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