The view from my neighborhood. Big earthy green mountains!
August 2022
Hello astrodarlings!
We are currently having one of the most important aspects of the year, the conjunction of Mars, Uranus and the North Node all in the sign of Taurus. This is a rare event, having last happened in May of 1855. This will occur over August 1st and 2nd.
The North and South Nodes of Fate travel through one section of the zodiac for 18 months. Right now they are about halfway through their journey as they are at 18° of Taurus (North Node) and Scorpio (South Node). This shows us that our “true north” or our direction focus is best when we are focusing on Taurean matters. Those would be security, finances, material goals, anything earthy such as our garden, property, real estate and domestic matters. Creativity is also a Taurus matter, but it springs from the passion of the South Node in Scorpio and the idea is to make it concrete in Taurus. This would be gaining financially from creative pursuits or having a physical display of art or products created. These are areas where we will feel fulfilled rather than instantly gratified. It’s about building something solid and durable in the area of our chart that contains Taurus.
If you have listened to my podcast in recent weeks, you may have heard me say that Uranus would be at 18° of Taurus for several months. Uranus arrived there, stayed and will slow down getting ready to retrograde and once it makes its pivot on August 24th, it will stay at the same degree until October 12th. This is an exceptionally long time at one place and clearly we are all gleaning something from this planet remaining there. Uranus is the planet of brilliance, genius, the unexpected, chaos, revolution and leaving the past behind. With Mars joining both Uranus and the North Node, we are looking at an extra punch of energy sitting at this same point in the zodiac. Mars is the planet of courage, confidence, willfulness, taking action and vitality. It’s also the warrior planet, where one may have an argument, join collective protests or do battle.
If you know your chart and you have planets or points such as Ascendant or Midheaven at 18° of Taurus, you will feel this very strongly as a turning point in your life. However, we can all expect some profound shifts in our ideas, our life direction and how we move forward with confidence. This aspect is bound to produce some moments of synchronicity, epiphany or breakthrough. These are the best uses of this energy for our lives. Despite Mars being a hot tempered planet, it’s best not to use it to ignite arguments or disputes. Taurus is a peaceful sign, ruled by Venus. It’s best to work out drama or unrest in a non-aggressive manner. If you’re feeling hot under the collar, sit back with yourself and review, take time to understand the dynamics of what is bothering you. For example, a feeling of not being respected by others may not warrant an argument, but perhaps a recognition about where you are not respecting yourself. It always comes back to us and if we can use this profound energy to have an epiphany and raise self-awareness, then we will be making tremendous progress toward our “true north.”
As always, I give some cautions with aspects this hot: don’t drive if you’re angry, be methodical about your actions, not abrupt. Don’t allow yourself to shoot off at the mouth at anyone. Before any needed confrontation, step back, consider it and your words and how your delivery should be. Remember, Taurus is a peaceful sign!!
The idea now is to raise our confidence, raise self-awareness and identify and move forward towards our goals. This is the most enriching use of this energy. Go have that big epiphany!
If you haven’t heard my podcast, please tune in! The Golden Astrologer Podcast available on my website and everywhere podcasts are distributed.
Meanwhile, I am always available for consultations, just visit my website, for both astrology and Rainbow Crystal 5D Reiki