August Sale!
The beach at Talamanca, Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica Photo by Deb
Hello astrodarlings!
As many of you know, I am a certified Master in a 5th Dimension Lemurian Reiki named Reiki Crystal Rainbow. It is a beautiful system that raises your vibrational energy as it channels the frequency of unconditional love. It is a system that will help you open your heart, clear outdated emotional patterns, connect with your stellar origins, help you awaken to your purpose, connect with your gifts and virtues and your full potential. You can receive a session from me or train in the 3 levels to receive certification.
This beautiful 5D Reiki system has helped me in my life tremendously. I have shifted old emotions, outdated patterns and cleared beliefs that no longer serve me. My life is much more joyous as a result of using this system regularly. I also use it daily to clear any practical situations that may arise in my life that may require some extra energy. It’s also a wonderful tool to clear my living and working space. This Reiki can be done remotely as there is never any touch to the client.
I would like to present an offer that I am running until August 31st. From now until August 31st, I am offering a major discount on Reiki sessions. If you would like a Reiki session, it will be $100 for a 90 minute session, instead of the regular price of $200. In a session, we will discuss what area of life you would like to work on, we will relax and go into the Reiki space and I will do the work we discussed. Afterwards we will have a conversation about what each of us received in the session and any information that came forward for your life. There are many levels to this Reiki and the sessions are usually very deep.
The session can be scheduled for any time in the future, as long as it is booked by August 31st. After that date, the price will go back to the regular $200. Here is the link for one session:
You can also purchase a package of 3 sessions for $300 and use them for anytime in the future. Here is the link to purchase a package:
If you have any questions, about this particular Reiki, please feel free to write to me and ask me anything. Hope to see you soon!
Many blessings,