The Full Moon in Sagittarius in my neighborhood of Trejos Montealegre. Photo by Deb
Greetings astrodarlings!
Welcome the Full Moon in Sagittarius! The Sun in Gemini is opposite and so we look to the areas in our astrology charts that contain those two signs. This lunation is called the Strawberry Moon, named by early Native Americans to mark the time of peak strawberry ripening season.
Sagittarius is always about learning, expanding knowledge, long distance travel - whether physically or in the mind. It invites us to new adventures, experiences and opens us to become more worldly wise. It is also asking us to loosen up a bit and go have some fun!
This Full Moon is ruled by the planet Jupiter, which has recently entered Taurus and is currently conjunct the North Node. Jupiter in Taurus indicates a time for abundance, nature, security and all earth bound matters. Jupiter always expands whatever it touches. In the year that it will spend in Taurus, we are asked to stretch what we are capable of in the Taurus area of our charts. This is so we achieve some material gain from this time as Taurus rules over anything we can hold in our hand in this 3D world. There will be moments over the next year that Jupiter will meet with the great awakener Uranus. A powerful joining of these two planets, this will be highly expansive, deeply shifting us to whatever we wish to achieve in our lives.
In the meantime, if you’ve been listening to my podcast or Instagram, you’ll hear me tell of Jupiter with the North Node in this moment. And it truly is a moment - one asking us to step forward into a greater expression of who we are, stepping into a new future, one full of confidence. Everyone is being given a choice right now, we can stay in what is comfortable or we can expand into the unknown that promises an alternative destiny. The Nodes are called the Nodes of Fate or Destiny, this is for good reason. They promise a turning point in our lives and especially when a planet such as Jupiter connects with them. The last time we saw this aspect was the first half of the year 2016 when they were in the sign of Virgo. For me this was when I visited and fell in love with Costa Rica for the first time and realized I could live here. I had a choice - and I chose the expansive, alternative experience and I have never regretted it. This is a great example of the type of opportunity we may all be receiving right now.
Jupiter is a positive, optimistic force. When it shows us different options, it’s usually helping us to expand into the next level of our lives. This may be slightly uncomfortable, but that is a necessary discomfort because if we don’t step into the adventure, we will never know how capable we are, we won’t expand our capacity.
And so this Full Moon is in a fortunate, buoyant place in the zodiac. It offers us a fresh perspective and a time to take a leap of faith. Take this moment to connect with a new expansive path that is opening for you. Light a candle, set an intention, ask the universe to speak to you. This is an expansive time full of possibilities. Enjoy it!
I am now available for Expansion Mentoring! This is a journey of becoming. Of evolving into the best version, the most authentic expression of yourself. You will expand your energetic capacity, your ability to make an impact and to receive. You will transform, gain awareness, raise consciousness and uplevel and recalibrate to a new life. Embrace infinite possibilities and create a more fulfilling, joyful life.
If this is you, join my world and work with me! Contact me to join: deb@debmcbride.com
If you haven’t heard my podcast, please tune in! The Golden Astrologer Podcast available on my website https://www.thegoldenastrologer.com/podcast and everywhere podcasts are distributed.
Meanwhile, I am always available for consultations, just visit my website,
https://www.thegoldenastrologer.com/book-online for astrology, emotional clearing and Rainbow Crystal 5D Reiki