My hibiscus! Photo by Deb
Greetings astrodarlings!
SO much shifting astrology going on in these days! Today we welcome the New Moon in Cancer, which is opposing the transformative planet Pluto at the end of Capricorn. Simultaneously we are having the Nodes of Fate move into the North Node in Aries with the South Node in Libra for the next 18 months. It is a particularly profound and dramatic movement as the Nodes connect with both Pluto and the New Moon. This fresh New Moon and Nodal placement is asking for us to go very deep into a new experience of self nurture, self love and self empowerment that allows our independent individuality to shine. The new placement of the Nodes is especially about not acquiescing to the needs and expectations of others, to stand in our own minds and hearts and do the right thing for us before tending to the needs of others. This will bring us to a place of truth and fulfillment. With the challenge to Pluto, this could bring lots of transformative energies cascading into our lives. One decision that is meaningful to us, but rattles those close to us can indicate a fork in the road with our relationships. Stay focused on what is necessary for YOU, not the rest of the world! Pluto will stay connected to the Nodes for months, up to and including the eclipses in October, which will make for lasting changes in everyone’s lives. It will be closer to the end of the year when the Nodes begin to move away from Pluto. My advice is to not resist letting go and radically changing what is needed in your life and to take care of yourself on the deepest level possible.
I can say that despite the Nodes changing signs every 18 months, this is one time I felt the tremendous shift away from where we were. The last few weeks seemed a bit grueling and unbending as we moved away from the fixed signs Taurus and Scorpio. I do feel a fresh start is happening now and it helps for each of us to decide where we want to see deep changes in our own lives. Areas of life that did seem stuck in these last months are great places to start effecting the shifts.
And now it’s time to talk about Venus and the activity she’ll be bringing us in these next months. Venus, planet of beauty, art, love and money is in the sign of Leo since early June. Venus in Leo is passionate, fiery, glamorous, flirty and deeply creative. The planet will make its retrograde in the sign of Leo on July 22nd and remain retrograde until September 3rd, usually a 40 day cycle. She will remain in Leo until October 3rd, just about 4 months in that sign. This is very unusual, as Venus visits a sign for about 1 month during her regular cycles.
When Venus is retrograde, astrologers have our list of do’s and don’ts. If you’ve been in my world for a while, you’ve undoubtedly witnessed this list. One of these don’ts is to not start a brand new relationship with a brand new person and expect it to develop into a lasting partnership. This is not a time for that. It is time for reviewing your relationship with your significant other and listening deeply to needs and values. Venus retrograde is that familiar list of re’s: revisit, reconnect, reimagine, recreate, review, rewrite - you get the picture. It’s about giving everything a second look, similar to Mercury or Mars retrograde. Venus wants us to revisit creative projects, remodel the house, redecorate the living room and revamp our wardrobe. We can get great bargains during this time, whether it’s on a used bicycle or a new home. It’s a great time to shop for antiques.
There’s also the chance you’ll run into or hear from people from your past, whether that’s ex’s, old friends or colleagues. Use discretion in dealing with these arrivals. It may be just to work out something from your past, but nothing lasting. It could be a pleasant revisit. But in some other cases, it may require a deep recognition as to whether this person on your doorstep is trouble or someone with whom you have a deep and lasting connection. Like I said, DEEP recognition. That means do your emotional homework.
Venus will be busy these months ahead, as before, during and after the retrograde she makes exact challenges with Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune. There is also a close, but not exact challenge with Pluto as well. This definitely indicates that each of us has a story unfolding. What story did you receive or experience around the 11th of June? This was the beginning of the story Venus has with Jupiter, then June 30th was the story with Uranus starting. Both of these stories will peak in August and finish up in September. As I write this, Venus is engaged in the story with Neptune and Pluto, which indicates what could be uncertainty in some of the relationships in our lives. It requires us to traverse the realms of the unknown and the underworld, navigating between them and uncovering what could be very powerful emotions. It’s requiring us to be highly present and very aware in our dealings with those we love or could love.
Lastly, Venus retrograde will always bring some recognition of energies around finances. It’s a great time to review and renegotiate your monetary dealings. Sometimes forgotten money shows up or people pay back old loans. Conversely, money could be missing and you need to go about finding it. If you’re looking at getting a new job, be sure the employer pays you appropriately instead taking a big pay cut.
Since this is a time of reviewing relationships and finances, I have decided to offer a new class during the month of August! I present to you:
Harmonizing Prosperity: Syncing Heart, Soul and Wallet
Empowering individuals to overcome emotional obstacles that hinder their relationships with both money and love, emphasizing the liberation and abundance that can be achieved through the process.
Aligning emotions, finances and love and the dynamic relationship we all have those. We will go deep into how all of these are related, the emotions of your finances, how love is related to that and relationships with people and with money. We will explore what we value both in our emotional and financial lives. Most importantly, we will work to release emotional blocks to money and love.
I am always discussing that these are matters that need to be addressed during any Venus retrograde. This time, I will be here to guide you through it, step by step.
This will be a 5 week class every Tuesday starting on August 8.
$297 for 5 weeks. All classes will be recorded, so if you cannot attend, you can watch the recording. I am also planning on having a private Facebook group for everyone to post experiences, realizations and results of the work.
I’m excited! Join me!! Here is the link to sign up:
And meanwhile, if you have any questions, please contact me:
And remember… I am now available for Expansion Mentoring! This is a journey of becoming. Of evolving into the best version, the most authentic expression of yourself. You will expand your energetic capacity, your ability to make an impact and to receive. You will transform, gain awareness, raise consciousness and uplevel and recalibrate to a new life. Embrace infinite possibilities and create a more fulfilling, joyful life.
If this is you, join my world and work with me! Contact me to join: