This is a Dracaena fragrans, a surprise in my garden when I smelled the aroma of something sweet and beautiful. I didn't plant it, I don't know where it came from!
Hello my astrodarlings,
This is a quick update as to what astrology we can look forward to in the month of June. It’s a rockin’ month and we’re at the gateway of some fascinating dynamics. This week on June 10th we have the New Moon Solar Eclipse at 19° Gemini, which is at the North Node of Destiny and we continue to move forward on the intentional path we opened for ourselves at the first eclipse on May 26th. While this eclipse is not as close to the Nodes as that first eclipse, it does have some important relationships to other planets.
As I noted in my last blog post, Mercury, planet of communication and intellect will be retrograde in Gemini until June 22nd. But it plays a major role in this eclipse as it is in conjunction - meaning the eclipse is happening with Mercury right on it. Some important information may come to light regarding the decisions you have been making recently, especially since the last eclipse. You may be revisiting or revising these decisions, but you may also be experiencing a deeper recognition of what it is necessary to carry out and follow through on your decisions or promises to yourself. Eclipses are always an intense amount of energy, but since this one falls right with Mercury, it will be buzzing with details.
Meanwhile, Mercury has been in conversation with Neptune, outer planet of visions, intuition and dreams. This relationship continues through the eclipse and in fact, the eclipse makes a challenging relationship to Neptune, adding yet another layer to the lunation. Neptune is not exactly the planet of clarity, but we need to navigate its cosmic waters as it is asking us to clearly state our vision for this next chapter of our lives. Since Mercury made its first of three contacts to Neptune on May 22nd, then its second contact on June 5th, we have become more illuminated about what lies ahead. Many of us have set profound intentions through this Mercury - Neptune dance and we are now receiving information that may come from intuition or unusual sources. Whatever the case, it is best for each of us to go deep and decide what we really want for our lives and what we need to clear and release. The decisions made now are powerful and are agents of change set in motion. These next 6 months will show us how it will all play out.
The day after the eclipse on June 11th, Mars, planet of confidence and taking action will enter Leo. Finally there will be some fire in the sky for a number of weeks before Leo season begins in late July. This is very helpful as we need a balance of the elements - earth, air, water and fire. Fire gives us the motivation to carry out plans, it gives us the chutzpah to dare to make our dreams a reality. It livens up the day and generates the passion for our path.
Then on June 14th, we will experience the 2nd of 3 squares from Saturn to Uranus. This is about having a breakthrough in the long standing patterns and structures of your life. Saturn wants to hold on and Uranus wants to free us. It may be that you believe you have responsibilities that keep you back, but perhaps these are outmoded ways of being that need to be shaken up. Visualize your life being freed of things that no longer serve you. And what was happening for you around February 17th when the 1st Saturn Uranus square was happening? This is now phase two of the journey. Phase three will happen on December 24th.
Open your doors and let the new energy into your environment as you release the past. This time period is one of great shifts, allow them into your life.
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