Cats reading cards - yep, it's Leo season with an Aquarius Full Moon. Featured cat is Gata Marina. The Wild Unknown Tarot by Kim Krans.
Hello my astrodarlings,
It’s Leo season! The Sun enters its favorite sign, Leo on Thursday the 22nd and gives us a month-long boost of creative, fiery energy. And if you’re up for it, it can bring a good time as Leo is know for entertaining and fun loving qualities.
But 36 hours later something amazing happens - we receive a Full Moon in Aquarius, since the Sun is in Leo - as Full Moons always occur when the Moon opposes the Sun - one degree away from where the Jupiter Saturn conjunction occurred last December 21st. You may recall that this is called The Great Conjunction and it only happens every 20 years. That particular conjunction occurred in Aquarius for the first time in 200 years.
This Full Moon should bring back some of the ideas and emotions we were feeling at the time. As I have been saying all along, we’re not finished with Jupiter Saturn - that was a marker in time and is now a famous point in astrology. It initiated a new level of consciousness that is only beginning to reveal itself, especially to those who are particularly sensitive to such shifts. The reverberations from that are still with us because that aspect is a game changer in society, collectively and for each of us personally. The process that started when the two planets met last December will continue as we revamp our goals and we integrate this new level of consciousness into our society. This is a powerful development indicating a crucial time on earth. This coming Full Moon will highlight how our awareness is opening and increasing.
Interestingly, this is not the only Full Moon in Aquarius. On August 22nd, we will have a second Full Moon at the end of Aquarius and at that time Jupiter will have traveled back into Aquarius and will greet the Moon at the lunation. This is fortunate, open, abundant and generally a good time. As you probably know, when there are two Full Moons in the same sign, the second one is known as a “Blue Moon.” Aquarius is a sign of societies, collective unconscious, groups, long term goals, communities and friendships. We can expect profound shifts in these areas of life as Jupiter returns to Aquarius on July 28th and stays in the sign until the end of the year.
Venus is also changing signs on July 21st, as she moves into Virgo and with it comes her opposition to Jupiter, still in Pisces for now. For several days, we should feel the benefits of these two planets joining in aspect. This is a great departure from the intense energies of the Saturn square to Uranus and will hopefully clear out any residual dismay and discomfort that has been hanging over us. June and July have inundated us with complicated energies that felt somewhat relentless. The Full Moon and this Venus opposite Jupiter should allow us to connect to joy and transcend the heaviness of this recent period.
I am always available for consultations, just visit here. You can get an emotional clearing with my new green laser or an archetype reading with the archetype cards, I’m adding new things all the time!